Helpful Ideas Health 10 Best Stretches for Combat Desk Fatigue at Work

10 Best Stretches for Combat Desk Fatigue at Work

10 Best Stretches for Combat Desk Fatigue at Work post thumbnail image

As the digital age advances, more of us find ourselves working from home or at desk jobs than ever before. Sitting for hours at a time can wreck havoc on our bodies, leading to desk fatigue, stiff joints, back pain, and poor posture. Incorporating stretches into your daily routine can work wonders for your overall well-being, mood, and job satisfaction. This article will explore 10 effective stretches to combat desk fatigue and help you maintain a healthier workday.

  1. Neck Rolls

Sit up straight and slowly let your chin drop towards your chest, feeling the stretch in the back of your neck. Slowly roll your head to one side and hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Do this two or three times on each side.

  1. Shoulder Rolls

Sit up tall and shrug your shoulders in a circular motion – first rolling them up towards your ears, then back and down. Keep rolling in one direction for approximately 10 repetitions, and then change direction.

  1. Seated Cat-Cow Stretch

Place your hands on your knees and take a deep breath as you arch your spine and roll your shoulders backwards (cow pose). Exhale and round your back, tucking your chin in towards your chest (cat pose). Repeat this for 5-10 breaths.

  1. Wrist Extension Stretch

With your palms facing up, extend your arms and gently pull your fingers back towards your body until you feel a stretch in the bottom of your forearms. Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat as needed.

  1. Chair Tricep Dips

Facing away from your desk, place your hands behind you on the chair’s edge and extend your legs out in front of you. Lower your body towards the floor, bending your elbows at 90 degrees. Lift up and repeat 10-12 times.

  1. Seated Figure Four

Cross one leg over the opposite knee, making a figure four with your legs. Press down on your top knee with the corresponding hand, stretching the glute and piriformis muscle. Try to keep your back straight and hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

  1. Desk Hamstring Stretch

Standing in front of your desk, place one foot on the edge and slightly hinge forward at the hips, keeping your knees straight. Do not round your back. You should feel a stretch in your hamstring. Hold the position for 15-20 seconds and switch legs.

  1. Seated Spinal Twist

Sit up straight in your chair and grasp your right knee with your left hand. Gently twist your upper body towards the right, looking over your shoulder and holding for 15-20 seconds. Release and repeat on the other side.

  1. Chest and Shoulder Opener

Standing behind your chair, place both hands on the top of the chair’s back and step forward. With your core engaged, lean your torso forward, feeling the stretch in your chest and shoulders. Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat as desired.

  1. Leg and Hip Flexor Stretch

Stand up and, while keeping your back straight, gently kick one leg forward towards your chest, pulling your ankle towards your buttocks. Hold for 15-20 seconds and switch legs.


Making time for stretching throughout your workday has numerous benefits, from increased energy and alertness to reduced stress and pain. Adopting these stretches will help you relieve desk fatigue and improve your desk-based work life. Aim to spend three to five minutes performing these stretches each hour, or at least two or three times during the workday. You’ll be amazed by the results!

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